Beauty and Business

You don’t need to be a performer to understand that your appearance and your income may be connected. Whether we like it or not, there isn’t a single business involving face-to-face contact where appearance is not a factor. In fact, studies have shown that even in fields like economics where the way someone looks really should not matter, it still does. It’s not fair but it is a fact of life.

Ironically, however, being a busy and successful person doesn’t always leave a lot of time for concerning ourselves with our appearance. Whatever field you’re in, a good permanent makeup salon should be able to provide services that can make it a lot easier to look your best every day and make the most of your personal and business lives.


Many women spend considerable time every day perfecting their makeup and that’s time many of them don’t really have. Especially if you are in a field that requires a great deal of your time, spending that daily 15-30 minutes on your eyebrows is, at best, a necessary evil – but what if it’s not actually necessary? That’s when microblading becomes an outstanding solution.

Originally developed in Asia, microblading involves the use of extremely fine needles to inject hundreds of droplets of pigment into the skin. What makes microbladed eyebrows remarkable is that they are nearly impossible for most people to tell from real eyebrows.

While men, especially, may not think much about the shape of their eyebrows, people of all genders typically become alarmed if eyebrow hair starts to disappear. Microbladed eyebrows for people of all genders with alopecia can look more gorgeously elaborate or plain and simple so that most observers will have no idea of what’s been done as long as you don’t tell them.

Microbladed eyebrows are also popular for very active women who want camera-ready eyebrows at all times, even when they’re working up a sweat at the gym, playing their favorite sports, or simply performing all kinds of challenging jobs.

Finally, crafting attractive, natural-looking eyebrows can be literally impossible for people who are afflicted with conditions like alopecia that can cause all or part of eyebrows to disappear completely or for those of us who, for whatever reason, are just not able to apply makeup neatly. Allowing a skilled makeup artist to create long-lasting attractive eyebrows that only need to be retouched every year or so, as opposed to every day, is the gold standard solution to all of the issues we’ve mentioned.


Eyeliner can be nearly as challenging and time-consuming to apply properly and regularly as eyebrows. It requires care and dexterity, which means that it’s time-consuming for most people and all but impossible for those of us without drawing skills. Permanent eyeliner removes the hassle and ensures that your eyeliner looks perfect every day without any chance of running. People will unconsciously tend to judge women if they notice imperfections or any trace of messiness in their make-up but having a skilled makeup artist take care of it with a one-and-done procedure ensures there will never be any messes to worry about.

Lip enhancements are for people who want lips that complement their face to the maximum degree. While most people can apply their own lipstick, they cannot necessarily accentuate their lips in the way they like daily. Having a professional makeup artist apply just the right combination of pigments to create the most flattering appearance possible for your lips will help you always to look your best while avoiding the smudging and messiness sometimes associated with regular lipstick.

Choosing a Salon for Microblading and Permanent Makeup

As in every other field, there is a great deal of variation between permanent makeup salons. Your selection of a provider can make a big difference not only in terms of the outcome but also when it comes to what your spa experience. Getting these treatments should be a comfortable process thanks to topical numbing creams. Nevertheless, a skilled and experienced makeup artist will be in a better position to ensure your visit is a pleasant one.


If you are in the Greater Los Angeles area, we hope you’ll pay us a visit here at Beverly Hills Permanent Makeup. Ellie is one of the most respected makeup artists in one of the world’s most competitive cities for beauty treatments and she is known for her friendly, skilled, and caring approach. If you want to learn more, call us using the tool above or fill out the form on our contact page.

What Are the Benefits of

Permanent Makeup?

The most obvious benefit to permanent makeup is waking up every day with your “face on.” You can swim, exercise, shower and wake up still looking put together and ready to go. It can be ideal for the woman who is constantly on the go. It is also perfect for people who have lost hair due to chemotherapy, accidents, burns, or cosmetic surgery, as well as those who have allergies to traditional makeup or have sensitive skin.

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